BV Guide
- BV can only communicate yes/no without his communication device. Raising eyes and looking up is “yes”, looking down and blinking is “no”
- BV showers in the evening after dinner and GTube and before bed. He should shower every other day.
- BV does not like the word "diapers", refer to incontinence briefs as "briefs" or "underpants".
- Wake up around 9am.
- Wake him and give him his morning meds.
- Give him 20 minutes to wake up and have a bowel movement.
- Check every 20 minutes until he is done.
- When he has gone, then change his underpants and clean him up.
- If he is particularly messy offer a sponge bath or shower.
- Transfer him to his chair. Make sure his leg cannot hit the communication device.
- Tilt chairback, and pull him up by the waist of his pants.
- Make sure his pants are all the way up and covered by his shirt, he does not like his briefs or abdomen showing.
- Make sure his pants are all the way up and covered by his shirt, he does not like his briefs or abdomen showing.
- Buckle belt below the GTube port, making sure that the belt does not touch and rub the port.
- Place bar for communication device on the hole on the right side of his chair.
- Fold bar out and mount communication device.
Watch video on setting up communication device HERE.
Communication Device
- BV communication device is VERY important to him and is necessary to his ability to email, text, control his TV etc.
- It is vital that staff be VERY careful mounting and removing it as to not drop/damage it. It is also very important that he is placed in his chair so that his legs do are not able to kick the device and damage it.
- Always run the power cord straight down from the device in such a way that it does not go anywhere along the side and near his right arm.
- Remember that he has spasticity he is no able to control and can damage the device by kicking it or a connected power cord. Make sure that the device is secure on it’s mount when setting it up.
- The device mounts on a pole that goes into a hole on the right (from his perspective) side of his chair.
- After he eats dinner, give him a G-Tube feeding. At least 1 can of Jevity, 2 if he has not eaten a lot or none.
- If it is a shower day, give him a shower in between GTube feeding and bed.
- Undress him, transfer him onto shower chair in bathroom.
- Clean him using soap, wash hair, rinse.
- Dry him off and transfer him back into chair, then bed.
- Shower or no, put fresh incontinence briefs and pajamas, make sure bed rail is up
GTube Feeding
- Place bag on the IV stand, behind his chair.
- Pour Jevity mix with 2 parts Jevity to 1 part water. 2 cans Jevity to 1 can water or 1 can Jecity to ½ can water) into bag and allow it to flow to the end of the tube (this prevents too much air from going into his stomach which is uncomfortable. Clamp it.
- Open the GTube port on his abdomen. Close the clamp on the G-Tube tube and place the end with writing into the feeding port on his abdomen, lining up the arrow with the slot in the port. Turn it clockwise ¼ turn.
- Connect other end of the tube to the tube from the bag on the IV stand, make sure it is secure and tight.
- Open the clamp on the tube coming from the port first, then the one on the tube coming from the bag.
- When all the mixture is done and bag is empty, disconnect the tube coming from the port from the tube coming from the bag.
- Use the syringe to run water SLOWLY through the tube into the port until it is clear. This prevents the Jevity from caking around the port.
- Close port.
- Take the tube that goes into the port and syringe and clean it by running water through it using syringe until it is clear. Place tube in ziplock bag.
- Bag and tube from bag are disposable and can be thrown away.
- BV can eat any food, except hard candies.
- All food must be cut up smaller than the tip of a pinkie finger past the last knuckle.
- Meat must be well cooked, preferably ground meat.
- Feed him using a shallow spoon made of plastic, do not use metal spoon.
- Hold his chin in one hand holding a washcloth under his chin to collect spillage. Spoon food with other hand in small bites and allow him time to swallow food.
- Eating is a very slow process for him and requires a lot of time and patience.